Fish Report for 5-12-2024

Alex Natipadab
Long days and even longer nights, 3 days blending in to one. Bluefin fishing! Lots of opportunities and lots of potential our first night of jigging; however we struggled to gain traction. Despite the lack of bites we did manage to land our fair share of 150-235 pound Bluefin. As the sun rises day 2 the fish do what they do best and have us the slip, darn things always throwing curve balls sending us in to search mode. 6 hours later after a couple head scratches and high dosage of caffeine we were able to locate the fish 20 miles away. Pewww! Big area of mix grade fish that even bit the sardines in the afternoon gave us high hopes for the night to come. Lights turned off, and the bite turned on! Night 2 gave us epic action from start to finish, hot action on 80-190 lb fish all night long. We're going to take the morning off and see if we can find some Cods to keep us occupied.
Mitch Chavira takes the cover photo once again with his 2nd cow of the trip! Mitch's 2nd fish goes 235lb on the scale! Also attached is a barrage of photo from the previous 36 hours. Enjoy!