Fish Report for 9-15-2023

Foot on the pedal

Alex Natipadab

After a quick siesta, we tried our hands at some Yellowtail at the Bank. Despite good fishing conditions and decent sign on the machines, the fish just were not in the mood. A little over a dozen for our effort anyway. Rested and eager to get back on the Bluefin grounds we make the trek East. With luck on our side we were fortunate to come across a school that wanted to stick around and eat our hooked baits. Pregame action for the epic battles to come tonight. Another successful night or jigging gave us our daily limits once again. Keeping our foot to the pedal paid off. 

Today's photo honors goes to first time Royal Star angler Heather Hall. She was able to show out all the veterans of the group and even her own brother, Dr. Dave, with a 192 pound jig eating Bluefin. Not bad for her first Tuna trip!