Fish Report for 7-10-2019

Start kit

Tim Ekstrom

We began the trip on a good note snagging a little better than 40 nice yellows before venturing offshore. Not much in the way of production from the deeps as the wild sign of scattered bluefin is currently not in a settled mode. That of course can, and will, change on a dime. The question is when? Full moon coming next week may provide an answer. We’ve still got plenty of space on the four day departing Saturday. Flat calm weather is forecast for the duration. Sounds like a perfect recipe for success. 

Before that however we focus on the tasks at hand. Tomorrow, our first full day, will again start in yellowtail mode before we venture outside.

Photos today feature young angler Cameron Parsells in the moment and with his prize, one of three he landed this afternoon. To believe that these images bring a smile to all anglers faces is very easy. Remember those days? That first yellowtail? So do I