Fish Report for 3-1-2018

It don't come easy

Tim Ekstrom

We’re it not for a few shots at wahoo that got the blood pumping mid-morning the day would have been a total bust. No tuna. The day began with too much wind, a good size NW swell, and strong current   running the exact opposite direction that we desired. Not that such circumstances are anything unusual, or worthy of sniveling in mixed company.

“No one said it was going to be easy”. This quote, and so many like others, perfectly associate to fishing. Being so thoroughly familiar with this program over the last thirty years in offshore fishing I recognize the obvious. Setting to the task of overcoming the odds we poked and prodded coming up with the aforementioned “skin” in the process. But the tuna were none to be had. We caught a few brief glimpses of them throughout our tour but nothing to make good on. Rapidly improving weather and a fine forecast opened the door for a jump across the pond. In a new world tomorrow we’ll try to get back in the saddle on the trophy tuna front. For certain we are ideally positioned to make it happen.

Photo today features master angler Dave Boublis and his trophy 213 landed yesterday in very challenging conditions. A testament to perfect rigging Dave’s gear was pushed to the limit by the wind and seas, and a highly motivated fish. A lot of patience and some real teamwork with the crew got the job done. Congrats!